
I’ve noticed that i’m kinda shifting away from my consistent style of trading. I need to re-plan my port, and re-assess my style. Due to my commitments in some sleeping stocks, I’m encountering troubles with riding other stocks. I have to balance my port, since there are lots of potential plays, it’s probably good to minimize on my speculatives, and focus on fundamentals first. Besides, I think we’re onto something once the earnings of the big companies arrive, plus once the PH GDP is announced, and it goes beyond expectation again, I think that’ll entice more funds to bank on companies that have good growth prospects.

Reminder to self:

1. Choose which stocks to dispose, and which to keep. Kill the laggards, play the leaders and the stars. Probably gonna sell my speculatives 1/4th at a time this week. I effing need cash!

For reference, looking forward to position on the ff:

1. MEG

2. EEI

3. MPI

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